Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Digtal spy fires of pompeii spoilers

The Tardis is sold, but without The Doctor's consent.

The Doctor reveals himself as a Fawlty Towers fan with a quip he makes about Donna.

The time travelling pair are already known to some inhabitants of Pompeii.

An escape pod is used at some stage.

Donna uses her mobile to send Wilf a picture message of the erupting volcano.

Rose Tyler is glimpsed hiding behind a rock in the centre of the volcano, watching The Doctor.Update She is not In fires of pompeii

The Tardis translation device isn't limited to voices.

Donna is turned to stone.

The Doctor speaks about his father.

Pompeii residents believe that Donna is Welsh.

The Shadow Proclamation (which would be a great name for a band) crops up again.

The Doctor talks about Status Quo and quotes Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure."Looks great please comment thanks digital spy