Friday, July 11, 2008

Doctor Who StoryBook 2009

The cover for third of Doctor Who Storybooks has now been released along with the information of who is writing and illustrating the story's. This follows on after the last two which featured The Doctor and Rose and The Doctor and Martha, This one features The Doctor and Donna.

Hello Children, Everywhere written by Paul Magrs, illustrated by Brian Williamson.
Grand Theft Planet! written by James Moran (The Fires of Pompeii), illustrated by Daryl Joyce.
Cold written by Mark Gatiss (The Unquiet Dead, The Idiot's Lantern), illustrated by Ben Willsher.
Bing Bong written by Gareth Roberts (The Shakespeare Code, The Unicorn and the Wasp) & Clayton Hickman, illustrated by Dan McDaid.
Island of the Sirens written by Keith Temple (Planet of the Ood), illustrated by Adrian Salmon.
The Puplet written by Gary Russell, illustrated by Andy Walker.
Hold Your Horses written by Nicholas Pegg, illustrated by Jon Haward & Nigel Dobbyn.
Thank You.