Thursday, May 29, 2008

'Proms Cutaway' Doctor Who/New Rose Tyler Pics

Filming has finally finished, on Saturday 3rd May 2008. The final day saw footage for the special scene to be shown in July at the BBC'S Proms. RTD has told DWM, "The Proms scene has been shot, on the TARDIS set, on our very last day's filming in the production run. Though, the Doctor isn't just restricted to the TARDIS, as concert-goers will soon find out. It will star David Tennant and a special returning guest star, and is directed by Euros Lyn. It doesn't have a title, fact fans. We just called it 'the Proms scene'. So maybe we can call it 'Proms Cutaway' for future Doctor Who historians.

And now here are some pictures of Rose Tyler for her return in Episode 11 of Series Four, Turn Left.

She might be working for UNIT. Who knows?